Thanks a lot for your time Christopher.
Its a FPM form and your idea to use WD component to embedded in header section is fantastic.. Basically I need to built 2-3 tab to group 20 read-only fields mainly position & organisation attribute
Yes, I read your Google-in-HCM-PF blog and tried to embed WD component in header section. It was successful if i want to show static field in WD but if I want to show dynamic field based on PERNR/position ID from FORM then I couldn't able to use WD component.
I've no idea, how to pass value from FORM to WD application at the time when the form is open (like Initialization).
I set a break-point in WD application but its called before the Generic class in the form. So I've a difficult to use Set/Get memory ID concept to read PERNR/Position ID from FORM in WD application .
If you can give an idea how to pass value from form to WD before the form is opened.. that would be great
As I always say to you, thank you so much for your time