Hi Larry
it is not possible to get stock quantity based on your BP Cat numbers. The system store quantity for the main item code only. BP Cat numbers is just to give catalog number.
you can use the following query where u need to pass actual item code and all BP Cat number for that item will list out. The quantity field shows all quantity from warehouse 1 .
SELECT T2.[ItemCode], T2.[ItemName],T1.[Substitute], T0.[OnHand] FROM [OITW] T0 inner join OSCN T1 on t0.itemcode = t1.itemcode INNER JOIN OITM T2 ON T0.[ItemCode] = T2.[ItemCode] WHERE t0.whscode = '01' and T2.[itemcode] =[%0]
if you want to check your stock quantity warehouse wise, as I saw in your attachment then that is possible.
what is the use of BP Cat num in your attachment (item master data) ???