Hi there
I'm hoping someone might know what's going on with a formula I'm using to only print details from records in which specified fields contain any of a list of specified values.
All the fields that I want to check for the specified values are Memo fields, and I assumed that because of this I would have to use the totext or another function to make the fields suitable for use in the formula, however I found that when I just included the field labels as they are, it seemed to work. However it seems that it doesn't always work for some reason!
I am attaching the report file with included data from a record that definitely contains one of the specified values and so therefore should list the record... but it doesn't! I've tried to work it out but I'm stuck. I added some capitalised and non-capitalised words, in case that was the problem but it didn't make a difference (btw can someone confirm if capitalisation matters when putting a string search in a formula?).
The formula in question in the file is called "IfIndigenous" and is meant to display a couple of fields from any records that include any of the specified text strings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Note that I have saved the rpt file as txt in order to post here, so you will have to rename it to .rpt before opening in Crystal.