Hello, experts!
We have a series of SQL Scripts that perform insert and updates in staging tables that are dropped and re created previously. For maintainance purposes, we consolidated this commannds in Stored Procedures that will live in a HANA schema and will be called from Data Services.
When the SQL commands run in a SQL window, everything executes correctly. However, when executing the SP with the exact same commands, HANA sends this error:
Could not execute 'CALL SP_XXX' in 8:54.520 minutes .
[129]: transaction rolled back by an internal error: [129] "SCHEMA"."SP_XXX": line 2991 col 2 (at pos 103317): [129] (range 3): transaction rolled back by an internal error: transaction rolled back by an internal error: Memory allocation failed
Does anyone have any idea why the code runs ok when separated, but in the SP memory fails?
The script includes inserts into temporary tables from selects and joins from various schemas. Right now, there's only one table with data, approximately 5,000,000 rows.
The main issue is: if the code would make HANA run out of memory, it will always happen, not only when running the SP. Are there any configurations or considerations when using SP's?
Thank you!!