I am working on a "Single select" value help dialog. Where i was able to data bind with my odata service model. I would like to know if there is a way i could identify my current row selection and also the selected key of my row selection using getSelectedKey() method.
Currently i am not able to use Selection change event of sap.m.valuehelp dialog to identify if there is a selection change, nor my method to retreive the row selection from value help dialog is not working. I need to do an operation on 1) when a row selection change has been made and then 2) get selected key of the selected row from value help dialog
I am working on the same single select code provided in sapui5 explored page.
SAPUI5 Explored Value help single selection
- table.attachRowSelect(function(){
- for(var i = 0; i < table.getSelectedIndices(); i++){
- //table.getRows()[table.getSelectedIndices()[i]].getCells()[1],
- table.getRows()[table.getSelectedIndices()[i]].getCells()[1].getKey();
- }
- });
Any ideas and suggestions would be really great thank you