I replaced a 700 Unicode nonEXT kernel with the latest 721 Unicode NonExt patch level 624 (note 1713986) after installing a new saphostagent release 721 patch 12 on a V6R1 LPAR. When I start the double stack system the central instance starts except for SERVER0 job, and shows active in SM51 however the SCS11 instance has only 3 jobs running ENSERVER, MSG_SERVER, SAPSTART and it does not appear in SM51. The trace file std_server0.out in the DVEMBGS10 work directory has the message:
Could not open the ICU common library.
The following files must be in the path described by
the environment variable "LIBPATH":
libicuuc30.a, libicudata30.a, libicui18n30.a ¢nlsui0_mt.c 1489! pid = 657
The sapstart.log file in the SCS11 work directory has the error:
Execute Pre-Startup Commands | |
---------------------------- | |
(385) Local: /usr/sap/SOL/SYS/exe/run/cleanipc 11 remove | |
(372) Okay| | |
(414) Local: CLRLIB LIB(R3WRK11) | |
(372) Okay| |
(372) Cannot execute "/usr/sap/SOL/SYS/exe/run/sapmscsau pf=/usr/sap/SOL/SYS/profile/SOL_SCS11_sapbid -n" - as4_examine failed.
(372) system(/usr/sap/SOL/SYS/exe/run/sapmscsau pf=/usr/sap/SOL/SYS/profile/SOL_SCS11_sapbid -n) failed(-1). 2 No such file or directory
Also the SAPSTRSRV job in QUSRWRK subsystem has these messages:
readInstInfoFromProfile: examining profile
File QINLINE in library *LIBL not found or inline data file missing.
INFO: SAP_HA_InitEx: Using USRSPACE Library: R3SOL400
INFO: SAP_HA_InitEx: SAP IBM i Cluster library 'sapos4ha' initialized
Ownership of object GETOBJINF in QTEMP type *USRSPC changed.
SAPSOL_11¢27!: SAP Service SAPSOL_11 successfully started.