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Re: How can we refer function written in PB.net to PB classic CS application


Hi Chris,


Thanks for your reply.


We tried to create a COM callable wrapper from PB.net but we are unable to find any option over there to make to COM visible. Then we simply created a .dll having a NVO object with two functions.


Function 1. return "Hello World" string

Function 2. Where we tried to connect to DB using transaction object and return "sqlca.SQLCode"


Since we were not able to generate COM callble wrapper through PB.net we tried to create in visual studio(C#) by referring the dll generated in PB.net.


When we run COM callable wrapper in visual studio functiion 1 working fine but, function 2 giving following error.


   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBPowerObject.CreateInstance(PBPowerObject parent, Type type, Int32 isDotInherited, Object[] parm)

   at Sybase.PowerBuilder.PBPowerObject.CreateInstance(Type type, Int32 isDotInherited, Object[] parm)

   at c__n_custnvo.of_dbcon(PBString as_dbms, PBString as_srv, PBString as_dbparm, PBBoolean ab_auto) in c:\Net_PB\tpoc.out\n_custnvo.of_dbcon(SSSSB):line 2

   at ConsoleApplication1.Class1.test() in c:\PDF_0104\testPOC\ConsoleApplication1\Class1.cs:line 25



Could you please help to resolve this error?


OR Do  you have nay idea how can we build a COM wrapper from PB.net, which we can use in PB classic application?




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