Hello All,
Am pure ABAP developer and working on PI project for the first time. I have started doing development of two interfaces in my project, but have some doubts on the steps in doing this. Below are my queries in this development.
I need to send email and SMS to customer using third party tool called Whispir.
Documentation of third Party API is explained in below link.
Scenario is:
1. SAP HANA->PI 7.4(Single stack Java)->WHISPIR(SMS + EMAIL).
2. WHISPIR->PI(7.4) (Single stack Java)->->SAP R3.( I need to get the delivery status of Email and SMS).
ESR: I did following:
1. Three data type, one for SAP(SMS_ EMAIL information), one for SMS information to whisper + one for email information to whisper.
2. Three service interface: One inbound for getting SMS and email information from SAP using proxy + one for whisper(SMS Information) + one for email(information).
3. 2 message mapping: SAP(SMS) to Whispir(SMS) + one for SAP(EMAIL) to Whispir(EMAIL)
4. 2 Operation mapping for the message mapping.
Integration Directory:
SAP is business system(came from SLD) + for whisper I created business component.
One ICO to pass data from proxy(SOAP adapter) to whispir(Rest adapter). This is pretty much should work.
Let me know if I am doing anything wrong for this scenario.
WHISPIR->PI(7.4)->SAP R3.( I need to get the delivery status of Email and SMS).
I am facing issue here: can you please reply to below point.
1. How do I know what information I will get (fields ) from whisper for delivery status. Don’t know how to create data type.
2. They have mentioned the response message in the documentation but I am not getting which message to call and how to get the delivery status of email and SMS?
3. Can you please help in setting of rest adapter here…I know pretty much what I need to do.
Can you provide me more details on how to do it.
Also is it possible to use the first scenario to get the response ..instead of creating a new scenario 2.
Please provide me your valuable suggestions to achieve this Scenarios.
Thanks in Advance.!
With Warm Regards