Adding to the correct answer:
I believe SUSE repo postgres odbc driver is too old, it is 8.03
PostgreSQL: File Browser find a 9.x driver here, as service packages change and postgres and hana change it may take a few tries to fine a compatible odbc driver.
Start with 9.03, two success from this odbc driver with HANA on SUSE 11 sp2 and sp3.
uncompress the file after getting on the hana server.
go into the new directory created after uncompress.
libpq is only on the server if you have postgres installed on the server, which most of us do not.
when you run 'make' you may be missing dependencies that is why unixODBC-devel is installed too
./configure --witout-libpq
make install
make install will bleep out a message where you drivers are /usr/local/lib
go there admire your new postgres odbc driver.
If you have more than one user accessing the odbc driver create the DNS file in /etc/unixODBC/odbc.ini
if only hana user is in need of this file and you want to keep the DNS information "private".
create a file in /usr/sap/<instance ID>/<instance id><instance number>/.odbc.ini
MIND the period in front of odbc.ini in user home directory is: /usr/sap/HDB/HDB00/.odbc.ini
see the above example for the odbc.ini connection value pair settings or a template online..
GOOD luck
And continue to be diligent.