Just curious if others have seen this with all notes applied.
We are running trxn HRBENUS_ACA_PERSON for 20 EE's and 18 get processed but the trxn issues no error.
Running the trxn for one of the two not processed EE's the trxn still states 'Productive Mode: Data inserted in DB'. But this is not the case. I debugged the program and found that error 'Feature UBABC cannot be evaluated' is issued within the program run, stopping the update. The feature is very simple, for our ALERP (tax company) 'WT01' use form C.
For the first cycles through the loop for this EE form C is identified by the feature. On the 7th loop it does not have our tax company as the ALERP in the feature structure anymore.
So we are basically looking at two issues:
- wrong success message in the trxn
- why does feature UBABC not work
Has anybody seen this?
Thanks and best regards,
Mathias Raffel
P.S. I sent an incident to SAP a moment ago.